turkish citizenship

(English) Turkish citizinship by investment

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Turkey has significantly eased the required limits for foreigners to acquire Turkish citizenship to encourage investment,

The lower limit of fixed capital investments to acquire Turkish citizenship for foreigners has been reduced to $500,000 from $2 million.

Foreigners who own real estate in Turkey worth a minimum of $250,000, instead of $1 million, can avail Turkish citizenship.

The deposit requirement of minimum $3 million in Turkish banks has also been lowered to $500,000.

Foreigners who generate jobs for minimum 50 people will also be able to take Turkish citizenship, the decree signed by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said. The previous number required was 100.

Foreign investors should hold the properties or continue the minimum limit of financial investments for at least three years to meet the criteria for Turkish citizenship.
To start the procedure to get your Turkish citizenship check these Houses and apartments for sale in Istanbul and Houses and apartments for sale in Mersin
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